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  • English
Collision Theory Application to Investigate Rapping Hammer Force and Electrode Frame Lifespan in Dust Filters

Collision Theory Application to Investigate Rapping Hammer Force and Electrode Frame Lifespan in Dust Filters

The cyclic impact of rapping hammers against the collecting electrode frame of horizontal electrostatic precipitators creates a collision between the hammer and the anvil beam end of the collecting electrode frame. This collision generates periodic vibrations that dislodge dust from the surface of the collecting electrode plates and discharge electrodes, facilitating dust removal. This article presents a scientific explanation of stress wave propagation in the collecting electrode plates, which accelerates dust removal while causing fatigue damage to important components such as the collecting plates, discharge electrode frames, and rapping hammers. To address this scientific challenge, the collision theory of two rigid bodies has been applied, and experimental verification has been conducted on a filter chamber model to determine the acceleration of stress wave
propagation and the durability of the collecting electrode plates. This study offers insights that can inform the design and optimization of dust filter chambers, leading to enhanced efficiency and effectiveness in industrial dust removal processes. 

Keywords: Rapping hammers, Horizontal electrostatic precipitators, Dust removal, Stress wave propagation, Filter chamber model

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